Pastoral Care  
We aim to nurture the partnership and close relationship between home and school in every way possible in order to assist in the pastoral care of your child. If you have any worries about your child, please come and see us. Children sometimes get upset by changes in their routine, like a new teacher, different classroom, moving into senior school, or, indeed, events outside of school like an illness, death of a relative or animal or a change in home circumstances. It is important that we are aware of any emotion problems which may be affecting your child’s work and/or behaviour. Do not hesitate to make an appointment to see the class teacher or the Principal if you are worried about your child in any way. 
Pastoral Care Co-ordinator  
Foundation & Key Stage 1 - Mrs E Nesbitt 
Key Stage 2 - Mrs D Mitchell 
Child Protection Co-ordinator – Mrs D Mitchell 
Deputy Child Protection Co-ordinator – Mrs J Haffey & Mr R Nelson 
First Aiders – Mrs J Haffey, Mrs V Halliday & Mr R Nelson 
SENCO - Mrs L McCullough 
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